The Good Book
Looking for Billy Haines
“Only Apolonia Davalos, as Lynn, manages to show some acting chops, bringing impressively honest emotion to the scene in which Lynn learns her soldier may be dead.” –, March 25, 2010
“Ms. Davalos is particularly touching in a telephone conversation about her boyfriend in Iraq.” – The New York Times, April 6, 2010
“As Lynn, Jamie’s most grounded roommate, Apolonia Davalos also manages to make gold out of dross. She radiates unexpected warmth, and her fiercely committed acting conjures empathy out of nowhere.” –, March 20, 2010
The Euripides Series: Alcestis and Hippolytus
"Apolonia Davalos is a passionate, young director dedicated to exploring the plays of Euripides. As a member of a generation used to reading no more than 140 characters at a time, her devotion to a classical poet is worthy of tremendous admiration. This summer, her Apoloniad Productions has mounted "Alcestis" and "Hippolytus"..." - Show Business Weekly by critic Alexander Harrington, 2010
“…while Apolonia Davalos managed to somehow hold our sympathy as the incestuous Myrrha (perhaps Ovid’s strangest heroine of all).” – The Hub Review, March 14th, 2008
“The tale features Dance Captain Apolonia Davalos (also the bouncy Iris) as a girl in love with her father, and turned to a Myrrh-plant at her discovery…a young and gifted cast. I think of them as the spray on a breaking wave of theatrical renaissance here in Boston.” – The Theatre Mirror, 2008
A Midsummer Night's Dream
“If I named favorites I’d essentially be typing up the entire cast list, including but not limited to Bonnie Keen’s Quince, Craige Hoover’s Bottom, Andrew Gumm’s Puck, Apolonia Davalos’ Titania, Nat McIntrye’s Oberon, Brad Brown’s Theseus, Nettie Kraft’s Hippolyta, Lauren Ballard’s Hermia, Raffeal Sears’ Lysander, Savannah Frazier’s Helena, Houston Mahoney’s Demetrius and Derek Whittaker’s Egeus…” –, August 8, 2013